الاثنين، 17 نوفمبر 2014

If what you see around you is corrupt ,see inside you !

The modern man thinks simply: "Man does not live on bread, if available two pieces or three life be better." Seek to profit without limits or controls, is the idea led to the destruction, not only the body, but hit the science and religion and art in the killing. For the modern man has become the absolute happiness lies in the physical income, in any large piece of bread. But all religions say that human Scrooge and the villain has no future. Thousands of years ago was to explain the reason for the courtyard of civilizations in ancient Indian philosophy. The most important reason is the loss of faith in God
Morality is a responsibility to the community. The laws that are accepted by the human community must help in order to be morally. This means that morality should be above the law. When you live in a society that forces you to be characterized by good manners, love and faith, this community will flourish and evolve. If I lived in a society that encourages you to be a traitor and Savla and immoral, to destroy any spirit greed and avarice and hatred ... it is a community patient walks into the abyss community.

In communities that are classified as civilized, located on the citizen and the responsibility of a single law to all. The abolition of individual responsibility towards the society, the abolition of any morality, leads to the cancellation of its responsibility towards the Creator. But can not afford any criminal laws or administrative rights reform if the same sterile, a person who prodect person corrupt or savage, is in the country's many natural and respectable people because it does not violate the law.

There is no law in the world that can fit between people. This moral law can only evolution is the evolution of the good morals of the faith and the love of the Creator.
What is a judicial law? It is the shape that contains the internal case, the ethics are the arm that connects between divine love and laws. When non-existent within the spirit of love, lacking substance, too, becomes a stick form is the most important, Fatgy form over substance. After that kills secured form also die shape.

A lot of cities and civilizations and peoples disappeared and vanished. What is surprising that all of her disappearance was one mechanism. Every time history repeats itself again, and each time the lives of vulnerable and unable relating to the pleasures of life and interests of the bright and false, to recognize the next yard, which looms on the horizon.

The Europeans and Americans do not want to ever see the coming disaster that became evident indicators arrival. The corruption and moral disintegration and decay of the phenomena that predict the next ominous, but they consider it normal and natural indicators, and so they have become like an ostrich that buries its head in the sand.

The current civilization must develop an urgent need to get closer to the Creator and that seeks to spread the concepts and moral values and a new high-level, and put the new laws will help in maintaining the faith within the soul. But what we observe not only further disintegration and decline. Can we be feeling the before and realize too late what lies ahead?

السبت، 15 نوفمبر 2014

There is no doubt in the existence of something in your life, or failed to achieve its dissolution, and perhaps the reason is that you are making a tremendous effort and excessive, what do you think to surrender?

The attempts to achieve something awaken in us blindly storm of emotions and feelings and thoughts and feelings associated with, Our efforts to achieve the result and blind us Atraguena. The stop attempts to solve the problem allowed them to find a solution more quickly and more effectively.

The goal of all hopes boils down to the need we feel refreshed and activity and strength beyond, and should be characterized by thoughts quickly and serenity, it is natural that it makes the world a bright and full of light, if you do not feel so lost excessive mostly in tension, trying to achieve a new result, as if to get rid of a node. If you want to do something with this node halted the stream of consciousness, deceived the result on what I got. In moments like this specifically, and when people are trying their best to achieve a result, this could lead to an imbalance in the brain, conflict is always conflict which consumes power and makes the world blurred.

When you are at the beginning of the road, the desire to act and get rid of something that is acceptable and helps you move forward, but you by your progress forward and experience you have acquired, clearly feel resistance and spin like you in your place. If you notice something like this, know that your efforts are self Tqaomk and prevent you from progress, and with the time to learn how to distinguish them accurately.
All you need to exist in front of you for a long time, and you just have to remove yourself from the tension and the desire to achieve something. There is no doubt that you exist in the positions where you're watching a smiling how to try to find relatives or acquaintances purpose is to present in front of his eyes, remember your case in this situation and values.

This success is the concept I have

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful without a doubt." Albert Chwetzer
Not long ago I read the words of Albert Schweitzer was an echo of his words have. Maybe you're in that stage willing to listen, but I stopped to think about how not to Rezai and lack of pleasure in life. Then I tried to think about what makes me feel happy.

In deep self I always knew that I wanted to live to write books. But the ideas in my head prevented me from trying to recognize the importance of this dream for me and I did not tell anyone that I can do, because the pursuit of this dream was scary and will bring me a lot of objections and criticisms. So it is hidden under a long time.

It was also very hard for me to be liberated from the traditional circle of success. I used to think that money and career center bring the success to me. When everyone around you is working hard, and earns a lot of money and move up ladder centers with everything that brings this beautiful material things are bound to want to be all that for you too! You want your children to possess all the things that their friends and want to enjoy the amenities of life. So you can continue to work, saying it does not have any other options. And convince yourself that life is not bad. But for me, life was bad in more than one stage, and I began to feel that my life does not slip in the direction I want.

Although I know what I want to do in my life, but I did not do anything about it for a long time. There were some weak attempts, but when you feel scared you'd run back to the familiar and safe life.

Dalai Lama says: "The good news is that in the moment that decides where what you know in Inside more important than what I learned to believe him, will shift in the way your efforts to achieve success comes from within and not from outside."

I was walking in the wrong direction to success and as a result was the feeling that I have my chances of a successful non-existent. But when I decided to be happy before I began to live a successful trip completely different life.

Should be any definition of success very personally and not generalized model applies to everyone. We must also have the courage to get out of the vicious circle and start a journey of a different kind. Is it worth each and every one of us that we humans live torment caused him to follow the path drawn by another person or a particular community or a generalized model wash drain and convince everyone that this is the only way right? Today he decided to choose the path of happiness at any cost because it is the place that it deserves.

Are life-like game ???

The journey of life and the game resemble  each game is different from the truth? Eliminates the fear in the game, as well as
Negated hatred and unnecessary suffering of the past and not accept what happened. The game is a kind of vaccination and inoculation gets through life with cohesion.
When you actually start to feel the energy of the divine within ourselves, life becomes instantly game. While engaging in play, you feel happy permanently regardless of profit and loss. It is important in the game is to give creative energy. We all know that every game and with it the end of the expiry start Game fact, what is happening to the human gets used to enjoy the game and merges them. Then depression and hatred and discomfort may appear.

They make the experience in America several years ago. Dressed dozens of military pilots, especially helmets and ordered them to get ready to fight, like Joe  in the real atmosphere of the battle by special devices. Experiment lasted two hours. Three of the participants in their chairs pilots died, as it was announced later. I've tangled with the awareness of the pilots of the game program and his consort, but when the game was followed by the collapse of the collapse in the consciousness and awareness of the pilots as well.

الجمعة، 14 نوفمبر 2014

Alex Hits
الأصدار : 4.2
راديو بطريقة مختلفة أول ما تفتحو فوق عل يمين في زر سماعة متى ما فتت عليها بتختار من هون شو بتحب تسمع مثلا بدك قرآن او بدك موسيقى او بدك اغاني قديمة او بدك مطرب معين فيروز او ام كلثوم او في منوع و الفئة يلي بتختارة بضل مشغلك عليها 24 ساعة
جربوه تطبيق رائع وممتع
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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وﻷول مرة ولعيونكم وحصريا فقط هنا
لا تنسوني في دعائكم

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*اصلاح المشاكل